Sustainable Growth

sustainable growth is the realistically attainable growth that a company could maintain

High Performance

High-performance teams is a concept within organization development referring to teams, organizations


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Savings Money

Record your expenses. The first step to start saving money is to figure out how much you spend.

Corporate Advisory and Investment Banking Services:

Our financial advice and integrated approach always focus to maximize clients’ profitability. Our team is driven not just by the quality of our ideas, but also professional ethics and integrity. We take pride in our philosophy of offering advice which is in the best interest of our clients.

Foreseeing the clients in a rapidly changing economy, we have evolved an array of advisory services in almost all sectors of the economy. We are known for professionalism and business ethics and provide a full range of Advisory Services under one umbrella. Our corporate advisory services include:

Our Services

Vision, Mission & Objectives


  • To provide quality service through effective human resource management and innovative research.
  • Provide value added services, while maintaining ethical and professional standards.
  • To maintain good relationship with stakeholders and make valuable contribution for money market and capital market.
  • To be the most transparent organization where all the activities is made visible to ensure accountability.



  • To accomplish sustainable growth to ensure profitability in all areas of business operation.
  • To ensure and maintain high performance culture with a continuous focus on performance improvement.
  • To develop a customer service oriented culture with special emphasis on customer care and convenience.
  • To develop an employee’s friendly environment where employees are motivated to contribute to their fullest potential.
  • To maximize the use of technology to ensure cost effective operations, efficient management information system and high value service.
  • To explore new avenues for growth and profitability. csil gets approval from bsec in 2011

Why Choose Us?


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Primary Market Service:

DLC offers wide range of opportunities for institutional clients those are seeking to raise finances from capital market. DLC Banking wing offers the following services:

Equity Capital Management

The bunch of professional will assist you in capital raising, capital restructuring, bridge you with BSEC, DSE, CSE etc. DLC will ensure smooth process to successful IPO, RPO and ROD. We assist you:

  • To develop equity formation, ownership structure, and dividend policies.
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • To provide services relating to financial, operational, and securities markets.
  • To submit listing application to BSEC, DSE & CSE.

Our Issue Management service includes:

  • Initial Public Offer (IPO).
  • Repeat Public Offer (RPO).
  • Right Issue of Shares (ROD), and
  • Underwriting.


Debt Capital Management

Our Debt Management team assists:

To develop bond issuing procedure and fix the interest rate for the company.

To help comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Provide services relating to financial, operational, and securities markets.

Submit the application to BSEC, DSE & CSE.

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